



这个体操运动是由美国健身协会的启发与奥运会金牌得主和总统合作委员会健身、运动和营养联合主席多米尼克·道斯。多米尼克说,“体操是一个伟大的组合力量、平衡和协调。你的训练,这意味着你可以选择你自己的成功。”This workout focuses on strength and touches on two of the five primary movement patterns, pulling and rotating, which are essential movements not only in sports but also in daily life.




苏Hitzmann, MS, CST、NMT是全国公认somatic-movement教育家和手动治疗师。她几十年的实践、研究和解剖科学和替代疗法的研究最终以M.E.L.T.的创建方法®(融化),一个革命性的无痛的方法健康和长寿。苏开始了她在健身行业作为一个整体运动教练在1988年之前她手册1996年治疗实践。在过去的二十年里,她教会了一些顶级俱乐部在纽约,包括锐步运动俱乐部/ NY, Equinox,紧缩,JCC在曼哈顿。她1999年视频训练营培训全球销量超过一百万张,今天仍然是最畅销的健身视频。在研究应用生理学和解剖学硕士项目,苏设计自己的路径的研究,完成数千小时的研究,以及认证等手法治疗神经肌肉,颅骶的淋巴引流。在苏的私人诊所,她利用手动治疗技能和广泛的解剖学和生理学教育和研究背景,以帮助确定一条通往体细胞治疗她的客户。她与障碍如关节疼痛、颞下颌关节,器官问题,偏头痛,尿失禁,通常治疗和其他困难问题,很少overmedicated和改良。二十多年来,苏已经把她的教育,经验和洞察力回健康和健身领域。她是一个在健身行业领军人物,作为主持人等国家组织想法,ECA, PMA,以及ACE认证继续教育提供者,AFAA, NASM。利用尖端,neurofascial科学证明手册治疗实践,苏创建融化。 This groundbreaking self-treatment program utilizes Hands-off Bodywork™ techniques to support the health, fitness, and quality of life of any person, at any age or activity level. Sue is currently training a wide array of professionals—from movement instructors and personal trainers to physical therapists and others who employ complementary, hands-on approaches—in the M.E.L.T. Method®, so they can teach this self-treatment technique to their clients and integrate this powerful tool into their practice. Sue’s primary goal is to empower people to take charge of their aging process through self-care and healthy living. Unfortunately, our health care system remains narrowly focused on treating symptoms with medication and surgery, which often yield short-term results while creating further imbalance. Sue wants to offer everyone access to powerful self-treatment techniques that treat the cause of pain and dysfunction and limit the negative effects of aging and activity. By maintaining an active lifestyle without perpetuating imbalance, we can all live longer…better.
