医生我真的觉得,这对我来说是一种真正改变人生的课程。我唯一的遗憾是,我不知道这样的存在,直到现在或我可以帮助更多的人,更好的沟通者。我有良好的成功激励病人生活方式的改变,但那是有压力的,因为我拥有我为他们选择的结果,比如更好地控制糖尿病,高血压,从减肥,戒烟或预防肺部问题,等等。而从专家心态过渡到一个教练的心态与我日常专利相互作用是具有挑战性的,是非常值得的努力。我终于发现了一些工具,使我与我的病人,家庭,和朋友在更深层面上。我看到更多的成功帮助我的病人改变生活方式当我停止教学和说教。我是一名临床医师教育家,我能够榜样这些工具和即时有利于病人和医生医生居民,我的火车。例如,一位居民提供病人的历史对我说,一个新的病人(42岁)曾饮酒和吸烟是今天,因为他一直在试图离开一段时间,希望有所帮助。我问她为什么现在病人做出这些改变。她完全不知所措(Wellcoaches培训之前我!)。我遇到了病人,问他同样的问题。 He thought about for a moment, and then his expression and energy changed completely. He told me that his daughter was born two years ago and he had been reflecting that he will be 60 when she graduates from high school and he wants to be around and healthy for that. He walked out of the office expressing gratitude that we listened to him and are there to help him. The resident appreciated how that simple question made him open up so much and connect on a deeper level than before. It's truly a joy to see these "Aha" moments at work and home.