亚历克斯是一个美妙的私人教练。会议之前,亚历克斯,我是有些人所说的“有氧迷”。I did cardio for three hours a day, five times a week, and could not understand why I wasn't seeing the results that I was expecting. Alex taught me that not only was I overexercising, but more importantly I was doing the wrong type of exercise. Alex taught me about the benefits of strength training, and although at first I was apprehensive because I thought it would make me big and bulky, I soon realized this wasn't the case. I started seeing results within the first few weeks, and I have never felt better since. 如果你正在寻找一个优秀的私人教练,我强烈推荐亚历克斯。他强调适当的形式,广泛了解健身行业,是令人鼓舞的,最有效的方法,知道你正在寻找得到结果。他对健身的热情是会传染的!
亚历克斯是一个美妙的私人教练。会议之前,亚历克斯,我是有些人所说的“有氧迷”。I did cardio for three hours a day, five times a week, and could not understand why I wasn't seeing the results that I was expecting. Alex taught me that not only was I overexercising, but more importantly I was doing the wrong type of exercise. Alex taught me about the benefits of strength training, and although at first I was apprehensive because I thought it would make me big and bulky, I soon realized this wasn't the case. I started seeing results within the first few weeks, and I have never felt better since.