布兰登热衷于个人健康,无论是精神上的还是身体上的。从个人经验中,他了解到挑战在我们自我提升过程中所扮演的角色,现在他以一种安全和可控的方式将这一概念带给他的客户。布兰登曾是圣莫尼卡特警队的一员,也是一名狂热的自行车爱好者,但他的职业生涯因受伤而终结,这迫使他完全离开执法部门,几乎放弃了这项曾作为个人成就的发泄和标志的运动。最后,布兰登发现自己不仅面临着身体恢复的挑战,还面临着寻找新职业的挑战。他对自行车的热爱和对健康的承诺使他在与身体康复的斗争中保持专注,并最终引导他走上了现在的职业生涯。布兰登并没有放弃他的运动;相反,他通过训练引导自己的能量,并取得了胜利。在这个过程中,他发现其他人可以从他学到的教训中受益,现在他已经找到了恢复健康身体的方法,并在体育健身方面拥有了强大的职业生涯。布兰登也重新确立了自己在竞争激烈的自行车赛场上的职业运动员身份。他继续参加山地车比赛,在他最后一次手术后仅仅一年,他就进入了全州前十,第二年在加州系列赛中排名第二。 He brings compassion, understanding and a wealth of technical knowledge to his clients with regard to sports injury and over-all physical training practices. Brandon "has been there" and he truly cares about the well being of the people with whom he works. Brandon’s background includes an impressive portfolio of both physically and mentally taxing positions which require extreme conditioning. His qualifications are as follows: Former police officer Former S.W.A.T. team member Honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corp Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Certified Performance Enhancement, NASM Certified Core Specialist, NESTA TRX Specialist, Fitness Anywhere Star 3 Spinning Instructor, JGSI Certified Boot Camp instructor, NESTA Certified Heart Rate Specialist, NESTA Star Diamond Beach Body Coach Combine 360 Certified Level 3 Trainer Powered by Under Armour