23年健身行业的专业。我目前培训我的客户我的健身房,道格的下一个级别,位于山核桃,数控。我也是一个W.I.T.自2012年以来年代专业私人教练CVCC讲师。运动科学的本科在解剖学和生理学硕士学位集中在性能增强和伤害预防使用选择(最优性能培训)方法“沙发土豆”一个成功的方法以及职业运动员(纳什赞同这种培训)。这个培训是基于科学研究。成功23年的健身行业在1996年开始室内固定自行车类1数控做这种类型的训练性能增强专家- NASM专业私人教练NSCA-CPT专业私人教练——ACE认证的生活方式和体重管理顾问——ACE认证组运动教练——NDEITA基本生命支持(BLS)认证Doug Kenworthy曾与各个年龄层的人,从年轻运动员到婴儿潮一代,现在他正在扩大的客户列表…即将到来的一年。一个非常有限的机会。下一个级别……确实是真实的,什么是你的下一个水平的调节…。 no matter what your condition, Doug can help you meet your goals, from simply feeling better each day with an excellent exercise program to helping you to be competitive for your sports activities. Many of Doug's clients have seen the benefits of a better life for many years…. many 15 years and longer. You determine your goals and Doug will help with his expertise and your efforts to achieve them. One on one personal help to assure you don't injure yourself and to help make sure you don't give up on yourself…. all the while creating a healthier you. Doug has many references he will be glad to share to help you understand how he can help you. It could be that life changing experience…. contact Doug for information to determine if his program is right for you…… remember there's only a few openings to start 2013.