Greg is a fantastic personal trainer and I’m certainly “living proof” of that – just to share with you a simple example I couldn’t do a single push-up when I started working out under his supervision and currently push-ups are just part of my warm up routine! Greg is willing to work with you on your personal goals and he always finds the right balance between pushing you hard and celebrating your successes and achievements. I’m truly happy to have him as my personal trainer and I would recommend him without any hesitation.
经过布拉德·约德(Brad Yoder)2015年7月15日
Colleen McNickle2014年8月3日
我喜欢跆拳道课!他们不仅很有趣,而且还建立了耐力,协调和调理您的身体。尽管在Greg的监督下,每个人都以自己的步调发展了踢式式班级中的多个人。他确保每个人在上课时遵循适当的形式以避免任何伤害,并且他始终非常了解每个人的需求。格雷格(Greg)是一位能力且知识渊博的教练。我强烈建议格雷格·迪克森(Greg Dixon)参加跆拳道课程和个人培训。
米歇尔·罗伊姆(Michel Roim)2014年7月29日
Greg is a fantastic personal trainer and I’m certainly “living proof” of that – just to share with you a simple example I couldn’t do a single push-up when I started working out under his supervision and currently push-ups are just part of my warm up routine! Greg is willing to work with you on your personal goals and he always finds the right balance between pushing you hard and celebrating your successes and achievements. I’m truly happy to have him as my personal trainer and I would recommend him without any hesitation.
乔·布朗(Joe Browne)2014年7月23日
格雷格(Greg)是我的私人教练已有将近三年的时间。我开始在另一个体育馆与格雷格(Greg)一起训练,但是当他开设自己的工作室时,我跟随他,因为我对与他取得的巨大成绩感到满意。格雷格(Greg)的计划包含各种培训方法,个性化的练习以及具有挑战性但可实现的目标设定。格雷格(Greg)对他的工作/客户的专业精神,广泛的知识和热情的承诺为我提供了使我有动力继续定期培训的环境。我感谢Greg获得的培训获得的健康/力量好处,并向寻求更健康/更强生活方式的任何人强烈推荐他。格雷格·迪克森(Greg Dixon)是赢家!
莉迪亚·弗里茨(Lydia Fritz)2014年7月20日