我已经和杰克一起工作了一年半。我不能说对他所做的在锻炼帮助我改变我的观点,健康,健康和营养。他知道如何处理整个人在开发你的培训;他创建了一个自定义程序,考虑我的目标,偏好,和生活方式(忙,单身妈妈!)。多年来,我梦想成为非常适合在50岁,在杰克的帮助下我仍和改善。我更加强壮,精简,更适合我。杰克遇见我在哪儿是在身体当我们第一次开始,逐步帮助我进步(没有受伤)和改进的领域我已经经历的问题。我继续震惊我的身体成分的变化(更多的肌肉),我改进的灵活性(这是一个大问题),执行新的活动,我的能力我永远不会想象完成50岁(例如,运行6英里在60分钟和我第一次铁人三项训练)。整个星期杰克给我提供了锻炼和使用应用程序,他提供给我的责任我需要保持正轨。他有一个广泛的策略解决运动、营养、动机、整体身心健康,如果有什么对你不起作用,他会发现别的东西。 As others have commented, Jake is a great trainer! Sign on to work with Jake, do the work he lays out for you, and I am confident you too will see amazing results.
本文已经很长一段时间来了!杰克是一个真正了不起的教练。他超出了我的预期,我认为我的健身教练一起工作来将受益。去年夏天我第一次训练与杰克准备一场马拉松,我的婚礼。我和他训练每周大约三个月,我失去了12磅,3我的马拉松公关了20分钟46。杰克是风度翩翩,专业,特别了解健康的各个方面。我学到了更多关于运行物流和交叉训练三个月比我五年来的新手的马拉松选手。杰克很愿意分享他的知识和快速应对任何问题。训练本身是不同的每一次使它令人兴奋和具有挑战性的。天我有更少的能量/我的身体并不合作,杰克能够选择和调整锻炼,这样我还没有把它太远我还是足够挑战,我有最能锻炼。 For the off days I wasn’t training with Jake, he created a detailed workout schedule for me to follow that was specific to my fitness level and goals. I just recently started training with Jake again to prepare for my first 50k this fall, and I’m excited to get back to it! I’m a committed client, and I highly, highly recommend Jake to anyone looking to vastly improve their fitness.
我已经和杰克一起工作了8个月。他第一次开始使用我丈夫(还是)强烈鼓励我开始我自己的训练和杰克他描述为“不可思议的”。I was anxious and self-conscious as I am overweight, in my 50's and have never been an athlete. I should say that I have tried several other trainers and always felt I "failed." With Jake, from day one, I felt like it was possible to succeed. Jake is very easy going, nonjudgmental, and flexible. His capacity to assess my mood and energy level and make adjustments to my workout throughout my session so that I maximize my workout, and am successful, is amazing. My program is designed for me, and only me. I began with a goal of achieving a certain weight, but over the months have shifted that goal (although I saw that I had lost 13 of the 25 lbs I want to loose when I checked a month ago!). The practice of strength and movement and being in my physical self feels more important now than weight. My goal is to keep moving and keep getting stronger. I had the opportunity to test my achievements when I went on vacation and hiked a fairly strenuous hike that in the past had exhausted me. It was easy! I enjoyed every moment and wasn't sore and spent afterwards. Jake has a lot of knowledge about food and diet, and makes that available as I want it. He is responsive to emails quickly and with enthusiasm. I recommend Jake without any hesitations. He is a wonderful trainer and a lovely person.
杰克的培训计划对我来说总是包括具有挑战性的和多种多样的训练是针对我的比赛日程和目标。他一直上传1 - 4周的健身训练的山峰,有很好的说明什么预计为每一个锻炼。他注重反馈我提供每次锻炼后,经常与鼓励,回应的建议,答案,,有时甚至是怜悯。我与杰克的人每隔一个月左右。有时我们只是见面喝咖啡谈事情进展如何,战略的“赛跑”,或种族日历计划。其他时间我们见面进行一对一的技能训练。在会议之间,杰克将转发,播客和视频让我考虑。生活时他也总是有帮助的,我需要帮助调整培训日历或当我有疑问的锻炼计划。
我已经和杰克一起工作了一年半。我不能说对他所做的在锻炼帮助我改变我的观点,健康,健康和营养。他知道如何处理整个人在开发你的培训;他创建了一个自定义程序,考虑我的目标,偏好,和生活方式(忙,单身妈妈!)。多年来,我梦想成为非常适合在50岁,在杰克的帮助下我仍和改善。我更加强壮,精简,更适合我。杰克遇见我在哪儿是在身体当我们第一次开始,逐步帮助我进步(没有受伤)和改进的领域我已经经历的问题。我继续震惊我的身体成分的变化(更多的肌肉),我改进的灵活性(这是一个大问题),执行新的活动,我的能力我永远不会想象完成50岁(例如,运行6英里在60分钟和我第一次铁人三项训练)。整个星期杰克给我提供了锻炼和使用应用程序,他提供给我的责任我需要保持正轨。他有一个广泛的策略解决运动、营养、动机、整体身心健康,如果有什么对你不起作用,他会发现别的东西。 As others have commented, Jake is a great trainer! Sign on to work with Jake, do the work he lays out for you, and I am confident you too will see amazing results.
本文已经很长一段时间来了!杰克是一个真正了不起的教练。他超出了我的预期,我认为我的健身教练一起工作来将受益。去年夏天我第一次训练与杰克准备一场马拉松,我的婚礼。我和他训练每周大约三个月,我失去了12磅,3我的马拉松公关了20分钟46。杰克是风度翩翩,专业,特别了解健康的各个方面。我学到了更多关于运行物流和交叉训练三个月比我五年来的新手的马拉松选手。杰克很愿意分享他的知识和快速应对任何问题。训练本身是不同的每一次使它令人兴奋和具有挑战性的。天我有更少的能量/我的身体并不合作,杰克能够选择和调整锻炼,这样我还没有把它太远我还是足够挑战,我有最能锻炼。 For the off days I wasn’t training with Jake, he created a detailed workout schedule for me to follow that was specific to my fitness level and goals. I just recently started training with Jake again to prepare for my first 50k this fall, and I’m excited to get back to it! I’m a committed client, and I highly, highly recommend Jake to anyone looking to vastly improve their fitness.
我已经和杰克一起工作了8个月。他第一次开始使用我丈夫(还是)强烈鼓励我开始我自己的训练和杰克他描述为“不可思议的”。I was anxious and self-conscious as I am overweight, in my 50's and have never been an athlete. I should say that I have tried several other trainers and always felt I "failed." With Jake, from day one, I felt like it was possible to succeed. Jake is very easy going, nonjudgmental, and flexible. His capacity to assess my mood and energy level and make adjustments to my workout throughout my session so that I maximize my workout, and am successful, is amazing. My program is designed for me, and only me. I began with a goal of achieving a certain weight, but over the months have shifted that goal (although I saw that I had lost 13 of the 25 lbs I want to loose when I checked a month ago!). The practice of strength and movement and being in my physical self feels more important now than weight. My goal is to keep moving and keep getting stronger. I had the opportunity to test my achievements when I went on vacation and hiked a fairly strenuous hike that in the past had exhausted me. It was easy! I enjoyed every moment and wasn't sore and spent afterwards. Jake has a lot of knowledge about food and diet, and makes that available as I want it. He is responsive to emails quickly and with enthusiasm. I recommend Jake without any hesitations. He is a wonderful trainer and a lovely person.