Dingman的轮渡,PA 18328
Joanne Duncan-Carnesciali博士是一个类的自己!作为唯一的美国运动医学学院注册临床运动生理学家,ACSM身体活动在公共健康专家,注册健康教育专家和注册糖尿病教育家在美国,拥有博士学位糖尿病健康教育和专业硕士学位教育和管理,她的方法指导你走向你的健身目标的方式一样。她的经历健康和健身行业的时间跨度超过二十年。在国际上,她有机会指导临床和健康人群采取健康的生活方式。她的前主人是锡耶纳普拉提健身,一个完整的服务人员培训和普拉提工作室位于Monteriggioni,意大利。她获得了健康教育博士学位集中研究2型糖尿病,糖尿病教育与管理硕士学位哥伦比亚大学硕士学位运动科学和健康促进和学士学位从加州宾西法尼亚州立大学体育管理。乔安妮赢得了最高的凭证从最认可组织的健身和健康产业如国家运动医学学院,美国运动医学学院,Wellcoaches,国家力量和调节协会,美国健身协会、社会公共健康教育者和国家认证委员会的糖尿病教育工作者。
Merrithew™(L2)由- AM -先进的垫上运动
Merrithew™L1由- IM或CMR的垫上运动
路要走唐娜! ! !我也乔安。我相信她有4人。我今天遇到了我的新naeitrr戴夫。这是一个很棒的运动! !他发现我很快.lol太光的脸。如果我不觉得什么,我觉得这是在浪费我的时间做运动,我想把一切每锻炼! !保持良好的工作!也许我明天会看到你在健身房!变红! !
他们得不到任何比Joanne !她对你的成功的承诺是非凡的。她同样充满激情和富有同情心。我有幸和她的专业知识通过纽约WAlk-Fit计划中获益。每周我注入到类和经历了严重的戒断症状一旦项目结束。我确实看到了巨大的身体在体力方面的改进和英寸丢失,但我也同样受情感影响升力OI通过看我的身体变换。她是一个强国,任何人谁使用永远不会忘记的特权。我知道我不会!
谢谢你! !
首先——我不是匿名的——只是一个白痴谁不知道如何得到我的名字旁边的图标列出!我叫西尔维娅,我87岁的孙女客户乔2011年3月开始工作。奶奶被诊断出患有帕金森症4年前在缓慢而稳定的速度,她从独立行走,使用拐杖,然后固定腿沃克,沃克带轮子,最后在轮椅上。乔来找我们的时候,奶奶是辞职以后,她再也不会走多几步了。物理治疗师已经很少使用,因为,而不是返回她的力量,他们教导她如何管理障碍发达(“哦,你现在洗牌——好吧,慢慢慢,看着地毯,所以你不要旅行。”)。完全独立,战争的幸存者,受制于她的整个生活中的任何事情没有人——这是一个噩梦生活了奶奶。第一次评估,乔奶奶问她想要什么从他们一起工作和奶奶回答说,“我想再走”。乔回答说:“这将是我们的目标。”She spent two hours talking to grandma, testing her strength and flexibility and generally learning what she could to create a game plan focused on grandma's ultimate goal and ALWAYS with references to the SCIENCE behind what she was doing and what was happening to grandma's body. Without exaggerating in a "Miracle Worker" sort of way, Jo's work with Grandma has been, for us, miraculous. Grandma's Parkinson's affected her by stiffening and locking her muscles. Rather than uncontrollable shaking, grandma's muscles had become short and atrophied. With 2 sessions a week, grandma's muscles were put to rigorous use. Not only were there exercises to regain strength and flexibility, but there was focus on balance, posture correction, foot placement, diet- all little things which affected grandma's ability to stand and move, but which no one had noticed or corrected before. Jo's constant monitoring of grandma's progress made it so much more personal than just a trainer/client relationship. Grandma looked forward to the challenges Jo brought. She made grandma SWEAT-which made grandma feel alive and gave her back some of the sense of body ownership she had lost to the disease. Her mood lifted, her appetite returned and yes, she started to walk. It is 5 months now and grandma can walk: not alone, not for long, not like she did before she had the disease. But holding onto someone's arm, walking slowly, keeping her head up and her steps wide, she is able to walk around. Of course she still relies on a walker and wheelchair, but the miracle for us is that she isn't bedridden, isn't in a nursing home and isn't looking at those two looming in her future. Rather than this ultimate fate for so many elderly and those suffering with Parkinson's, each session with Jo gives grandma more strength and more confidence to think of a future outside her home. It is no exaggeration therefore, to say that this woman- Joanne Duncan-Carnesciali- has given my grandma a reason to live. Forever thankful can not express the gratitude or entirety of the feelings we have for her.
乔安娜是一个出色的教练。她是我老师在过去6周。她正在教一个私人健身教练课程,我学到了很多,她知道这些材料非常好。她也有很多的解剖学知识。我希望我们有更多的教师喜欢乔安妮的所有知识和人际交往能力。我现在准备通过我的认证考试由于Joanne ! !