daughterof体育老师和创建一个非常活跃的家庭生活,她第一次发现普拉提作为青年虽然竞争花样游泳选手。游泳之后,凯伦追求职业健康和健身的健康获得学士学位的领导/从南佛罗里达大学运动科学。她随后程度进一步的研究成为NSCA认证强度和调节专家和全面认证普拉提教练通过PhysicalMind研究所。她还拥有一个认证作为高尔夫普拉提训练专家和GYROTONIC®水平我教练。完成她的正规教育以来,凯伦驾驶一个普拉提项目在当地医院保健中心,并创建了她工作与客户有特殊需要的专业。她还教和辅导徒弟普拉提教练本地及海外。凯伦目前教普拉提普拉提学院国际教师培训课程(第五纽约普拉提),以及健身教练通过国际体育和健身教练协会认证课程。凯伦的专业知识和经验10年的行业让她教各种各样的客户。她的客户包括专业运动员和舞者,那些整形的问题,那些严重的疾病,和那些寻找一个伟大的身体锻炼。凯伦的哲学是确定你需要帮助协调,加强和支持你的身体,利用一个真正全面的健身方法。 She has the ability to cater your pilates experience to your specific health and fitness goals. Karen provides Pilates Training at the Dunedin Pilates Studio, and also provides traditional Personal Training at the Dunedin Community Center. Karen currently lives with her husband, Rob, and her two pugs in delightful Dunedin, FL. She actively competes in competitive paddling, using Stand Up Paddleboards, Surfski’s and Hawaiian Outrigger Canoes. She values wellness, and will happily share her passions with others. Locally, Karen organizes the Shark Bite Challenge, a weekend paddling event and fundraiser at Honeymoon Island State Park. She also is a team captain and on the event committee for the Dunedin Relay for Life.
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