教练劳拉一直是我训练了4年。当我第一次遇到了劳拉,她监督培训师在一个大型的国家体育馆,和培训的成员。我刚满60岁,决定我应该开始工作了。我是如此难以置信的幸运,她给我火车。听我解释后我正在寻找(增加体重,一般健康),和评估我目前的条件(贫穷),她问如果有什么事,我想从我的训练。我说,我一直想要一个更大的胸部。教练劳拉接着训练,教练和指导我在改变我的身体我想要什么。我只能看到她每隔一周,但她给了我锻炼自己,。她甚至画帮我记住。不久,我体重增加了10磅,而不得不放弃我的衬衣,买更大的。 I was frankly amazed, at what I was able to do, with Laura as my trainer. In addition, she was always on time, always up and encouraging, and never got frustrated with me, even when I deserved it. After a year, she left the national gym, and went out on her own. Luckily, one of the gyms she worked out of, was close to where I live. If it wasn't, I would have taken the bus. But, her new studio is not open to the public. It's a studio designed and run, by one of the best trainers in the bay area, for trainers. Laura knows what a trainer wants, in a gym, to train clients. She not only opened this studio, as an excellent place for trainers to work with their clients, but also to have a place to work with her own clients. If you are looking for a place to train your clients, you can't do better! And, if you are looking for a trainer, you'd be lucky, to be able to work with Coach Laura! James McPherson
我觉得很幸运的发现了劳拉。我一直想减肥,回到自己的形状。我没有成功,直到会议劳拉。她已经帮助我保持锻炼和健康的饮食。她管理的目标和鼓励我。我感觉我每天都变得更强壮和更健康。我知道她的帮助是工作,我的老板走到我最近说“哇你真的减肥。”I owe it to Laura!
通过m .凯2013年3月24日
教练劳拉一直是我训练了4年。当我第一次遇到了劳拉,她监督培训师在一个大型的国家体育馆,和培训的成员。我刚满60岁,决定我应该开始工作了。我是如此难以置信的幸运,她给我火车。听我解释后我正在寻找(增加体重,一般健康),和评估我目前的条件(贫穷),她问如果有什么事,我想从我的训练。我说,我一直想要一个更大的胸部。教练劳拉接着训练,教练和指导我在改变我的身体我想要什么。我只能看到她每隔一周,但她给了我锻炼自己,。她甚至画帮我记住。不久,我体重增加了10磅,而不得不放弃我的衬衣,买更大的。 I was frankly amazed, at what I was able to do, with Laura as my trainer. In addition, she was always on time, always up and encouraging, and never got frustrated with me, even when I deserved it. After a year, she left the national gym, and went out on her own. Luckily, one of the gyms she worked out of, was close to where I live. If it wasn't, I would have taken the bus. But, her new studio is not open to the public. It's a studio designed and run, by one of the best trainers in the bay area, for trainers. Laura knows what a trainer wants, in a gym, to train clients. She not only opened this studio, as an excellent place for trainers to work with their clients, but also to have a place to work with her own clients. If you are looking for a place to train your clients, you can't do better! And, if you are looking for a trainer, you'd be lucky, to be able to work with Coach Laura! James McPherson
我觉得很幸运的发现了劳拉。我一直想减肥,回到自己的形状。我没有成功,直到会议劳拉。她已经帮助我保持锻炼和健康的饮食。她管理的目标和鼓励我。我感觉我每天都变得更强壮和更健康。我知道她的帮助是工作,我的老板走到我最近说“哇你真的减肥。”I owe it to Laura!