你好!我的名字叫萨拉。我想和你们分享一些关于我自己。我在20年代中期开始进入健身。我开始竞选运动,因为我不属于健身房。事实证明我真的很喜欢跑步。加入军队后,我加入了健身房,通过重量训练开始更好。这一点左右我健身结下了不解之缘。运动成为我的日常生活,它也开始定义我。在军队中,这是我一直所擅长的。这反过来让我想强迫自己更多。 I started participating in 5K races with friends and had fun coming up with challenging workouts for myself. It was about 10 years later, in my mid 30's when I decided to become a personal trainer and share my passion for fitness with others. I attended a local community college that offered a 2-year associates program for personal training. Upon completion, I tested for the ACE (American College on Exercise) National Certification. Once I completed the program things didn't take off quite like I wanted. I was already working a full- time job and was unable to start training right away. I continued to maintain my certification by taking a TRX course that certified me to teach TRX classes. I have taken an online course to certify me to teach and train Spartan SGX group exercise classes and I took a workshop to become a RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) Running Coach. Over the years I have ran in 3 marathons, One 1/2 marathon, 4 Spartan races, and numerous 5K races. I enjoy teaching others what I've learned and helping them to find their unique way to achieve their fitness goals. Everyone is different and has different goals and starting points. I can help you find what works for you and find a fitness program you enjoy doing. Setting up small weekly goals and achieving them is the start to a new, healthy and happier you!