纳瓦拉,FL 32566
我一直有兴趣健身,然而,直到前一年我把40,重大的事情发生了。我是很多人的地方我的年龄,忙过去十年养育我的儿子,努力工作和生活。然后打我,我没有外观或我想要的方式。你永远不知道将会是转折点,我坐飞机从佛罗里达州。长话短说,我被介绍给算比赛和决定我想做我自己40岁生日礼物。我不会承认,“这是变老的一部分”。我不会不战而退!四比赛后和现在44岁的外观和感觉比我在30年代。我选择把我的热情投入到事业,帮助领导、激励、推动和激励他人,而他们最大的啦啦队长在他们追求更健康的生活方式,身体或者即使只是更在日常活动功能。我喜欢健身,人和食物! I have worked the last 5 years on trying and reinventing recipes that are delicious and healthy. I have also built a base of gluten free cooking and baking because of my mom. I love to share my cooking and baking triumphs with my friends and clients so they know they can still eat delicious food that is a better alternative to a lot of what is out there. If you are ready for that next step, I would love the opportunity to assist you in reaching your goals. I like to put the PERSONAL in personal training. I am there for my clients via email, text, pep talks by phone, etc. We are in it together and my goal is to help you succeed and give you the knowledge and support to help you get there. You have already made a step just by looking for the right person to assist you. No matter who you chose, believe you can do it and go for it! :)