

“这是令人毛骨悚然的DVD版本的苏茜海瑟薇在力量训练预防骨质疏松症。DVD类的所有内容,包括有价值的科学依据的理解你在做什么。我喜欢苏西的训练,因为它是基于科学研究、不是ooga-booga,因为它是定制对老年妇女尤其是安全的(超过50)由于骨密度较低风险。三年前,我摔了一跤,伤了我的手腕。骨密度测试显示我在骨质疏松症的边缘。而没有意识到这一点,我失去了很多我的力量。我被绊倒,常常跌倒(这是我打破了我的手腕),突然我有一个暗淡的未来的愿景是无效的。但我决定做些什么,当我听到苏茜的力量训练类。我了,尽管我从未使用过的重量。一年为力量训练,我的骨质密度测试表明一种进步,我的力量已经急剧增加。 I felt better than I'd felt in ages. I've now been doing Susie's program for five years. Along with improved strength, which makes everything easier, my balance is so much better that I simply don't fall down any more. I'm physically stronger and more active than I was 15 years ago, and much more optimistic about my health and my future. The women in Susie's classes have been begging her to put her program onto a DVD, and at last it's available. Now, when I can't make the class, I use the DVD. I get a great workout in my own home, with all the benefits of Susie's tips and pacing. Get this DVD now!" -- Diane Porter
