我的女儿在2010年12月后,我发现它很难失去了20磅额外的重量我的珍贵的人离开我。我的照片实际上是产后4个月前,我还怀孕了。作为军队的一员,它是非常重要的,满足我们的体能训练标准,去年3月,我没有第一次6年。我建议每天进行体育活动两次为了满足标准。无论我做什么我不能通过我的仰卧起坐。我非常沮丧和失望,特别是因为我是锻炼和正确的饮食。在这一点上我决定为一个私人教练浏览互联网。当我遇到Mishell Nibert。这是我的朋友Leccia教练和她最近发布评论网站(小世界)。马上我打电话给我朋友,让她告诉我关于她的个人培训经验。 She could only say great things about all the results she was obtaining. The following day I contacted Mishell and set up an appointment. I am proud to say that within 3 weeks of training I was able to pass my sit-ups by an additional 15 repetitions! I have been training with Mishell since April and not only have I passed my physical training test, but also lost 17 lbs as well. In May I underwent surgery and thanks to the training, advice, knowledge, and expertise of this amazing trainer, I am working out again like nothing happened. For the first time in my life my mid section shows definition, my body is stronger, and I am not ashamed of my body. Although, I am not done with this journey, I am very happy with my accomplishments and can't wait until the final results. Before I used to work out because I had to; now I actually look forward to my personal training days and every time I get better and better. I am so glad I found such an amazing trainer that motivates me and cares about me (she actually checked on me during my recovery, my military travels and even while on my vacations). Not only that but she actually designed a training routine for those days when I’m traveling without me asking for it. Mishell truly cares for her clients and I will not trade her for a military trainer. If you are fed up of with trying diets and working out on your own, I recommend that you contact my personal trainer. She will square you away and you will love the results. Thank you so much for being such a great inspiration, and for being so supportive. If only I could take you with me to Korea LOL. God bless Chica Current Client, Karina