这个成功的故事是关于我.....我真的去过那里,知道病态肥胖是什么感觉。在诊断出甲状腺癌后,我的最高体重是277磅,这种癌症也扩散到我的淋巴结和甲状旁腺....我的女儿出生后,我的体重增加了149磅,她出生后不久,癌症就开始袭击我。我不明白为什么我不能减掉婴儿体重,为什么我反而增加了(23年前),快进到2010年1月25日……我决定受够了,在田纳西州阿洛卡的布朗特健康中心开始了减肥之旅,这是我做过的最好的事情。那时我已经靠自己减掉了27磅,但我还需要更多的东西。布朗特健康中心应验了我的祈祷。凭着毅力、决心和毅力,我又瘦了35磅。我是一个输得很慢的人,我可以接受这一点。快进到今天....I am now a total of 94 lbs and almost 5 feet of inches are gone from my body....5 feet! I am the proud owner of my own business called INSPIRED FITNESS...And I am helping others who have struggled just like me to know that they can do this. This lifestyle is a marathon it is not a sprint and our goals can be obtainable. I have reached so many goals and I have so many more to reach. I still have a few pounds to lose to hit my goal and I will. Time and persistance will get me there!