

我的名字是布鲁斯Wardrip,我29岁,两年前开始似乎是我生命中最困难的斗争。我开始有非常坏的腰痛,只有随着时间的推移恶化。什么似乎减轻痛苦和日常任务,比如走路似乎无法忍受,更不用说想起床,每天去上班。我不确定如果疼痛消退,最终在一个整形外科医生。我得到的诊断破裂盘引起的先天性缺陷,Bertolottis综合症,并被告知,我需要一个主要的背部手术,桅杆TILF。在仅仅28岁,我不仅接受一个大手术,但我生活的第一次手术。这就是我的成功故事开始!晚上我手术后,我不得不起身走动单位根据需要在医院我的外科医生。我感到非常不安甚至试图站起来,不太了解这个手术后可能我忍受了!但它是可能的,我把自己走路甚至超过要求晚上整个晚上。 The next few days were rough, but I continually pushed myself, time and time again, to keep moving in order to avoid my back getting stiff. I had physical therapy but once I had completed that, I truly felt I needed more structure in my exercise regimen. I wanted to correctly build and maintain the core and muscles I needed to keep myself and my back in the best possible position to avoid further injury in the future. Being a firefighter, it was extremely pertinent to my health and my job that I exercise and learn correct techniques for all that I do. Luckily, through my work, we are required to maintain an exercise routine at SNAP Fitness each 24 hour shift. Through SNAP Fitness, I was able to meet an incredible trainer, Mishell, who has been the mastermind behind my workout routines and has enabled me to be in the best physical condition of my entire life. She has correctly pushed me to my extreme limits, allowing me to see exactly what my body is capable of, which in turns encourages me to try even harder the next workout. She has taught me the correct ways of doing my exercises and what each is doing for me. She has also taught me how amazing it feels when you are in good shape and keeps me in check about continuing my exercise regimen, even on days I am not in the gym with her. I know that my journey of staying in shape is far from through. But with continued help and guidance from Mishell, I know that my path to physical greatness is well carved for me. I am so thankful to have such an incredible trainer to have helped guide me through this time in my life. So much of my current physical condition is due to her and her training, and I am forever grateful for her expertise. I look forward to continue working hard alongside Mishell, as I strive to keep myself in the physical condition she has helped me achieve.
