

我叫泰,27岁,在军队。像大多数人一样我以为我知道的一切工作,是我错了。我被我的一个朋友介绍给Mishell和Mishell嗯……给我的第一印象“这是什么小女人要给我,我不知道?”I was apprenhesive at first to train with her but my buddy talked Mishell up like crazy and how insane her workouts are. So I told myself, why not give it a try. Ok the only statement I have after my first workout with Mishell is - "This little lady kicked my butt!" And every workout afterwards she has challenged me and made me realize I don't know everything about working out. In the past 2 months I have lost 10% body fat and on my way to a 6 pack. I wanted to thank you for all of your help in the last 2 months. Your knowledge regarding fitness and exercise therapy has helped me greatly. I have improved my flexibility and strength. With Mishell's exercise program I have learned proper form and breathing techniques that have enabled me to workout and not injure myself. Just to give you a heads up, I will be back at Ft. Knox in few months and look forward to training with you again.
