蒙特利尔,QC H2J 1Z3
Ann McMillan是第一个将普拉提带到Québec省的教练,她在1992年开设了Montréal普拉提中心。上世纪80年代,她在纽约从事舞蹈事业时发现了普拉提,并在蒙特利尔大学完成了她的运动科学硕士论文,她今天仍在那里讲课。她的毕业作品是第一个在普拉提和改善芭蕾舞者动态姿势之间建立科学联系的人。适应普拉提工作,以帮助舞者保持健康,并帮助他们从受伤中恢复,这是Ann练习的核心。近年来,职业运动员也纷纷求助于安来帮助他们磨练技能。在他们当中,我们找到了奥运会金牌得主莫卧儿滑雪运动员詹妮弗·海尔,超级中量级拳击冠军卢西安·布特和加拿大AA花样游泳队。最近,加拿大排名第一的女子网球选手丽贝卡·马里诺开始和安教练一起训练,安教练很高兴能帮助这位世界排名第45位(6月11日)的天才运动员充分发挥潜力。安很高兴与精英运动员分享她的普拉提知识。她曾为魁北克的许多机构提供普拉提教师内部培训,并经常在法国波尔多大学授课。2011年,她的巡回演讲将带她去凤凰城、克利夫兰、芝加哥、罗马以及许多地方活动。 She is a regular presenter with Pilates on Tour and is a Balanced Body Faculty member. Being the province of Quebec's pioneer Pilates instructor, she has regularly appeared in both the French and the English media since 1992. Numerous magazines, newspapers and television shows have been and still are turning to her to inform the public about the method. She did her first teacher training program in New-York with Romana Kryzanowska in the early 90's and also had the privilege to take sessions with Kathy Grant. Her master's thesis was completed in 1996 and she then took part in the Polestar Pilates teacher training program. She trained instructors for the Polestar program in eastern Canada in the late 90's. She officially started her own teacher training program in 2003. Throughout her career her most influential instructor has been and remains Elizabeth Larkam who Ann considers a constant source of learning and inspiration. In 2007 the Centre Pilates de Montreal founded by Ann in 1992 became Ann McMillan Pilates and moved to spacious new studios in the heart of downtown Montreal. For more on Ann's international teaching tour please visit https://www.pilates.com/BBAPP/V/education/pilates-on-tour/chicago.html https://www.pilates.com/BBAPP/V/education/pilates-on-tour/montreal.html https://www.pilates.com/BBAPP/V/education/pilates-on-tour/rome.html