维多利亚,公元前V9E 2 c1
我要回到小时候。我不记得到底多大了假设10左右?我爸爸玩垒球在两个团队和夜晚,他打球成为“有趣的夜晚”,我和我的妈妈。什么一个有趣的晚上是往往是一个租来的电影,我们之间一大袋薯片,一些苏打水和至少一个家庭大小的巧克力棒。每一个。我不讨厌,但我确实感到遗憾,“质量”成为食品中心。我总是一个胖乎乎的孩子,甚至我一年级的照片。这没有帮助很重要!虽然我是精力充沛的我从来没有感兴趣的有组织的运动。我不是很擅长,所以我不喜欢他们! The one thing I always wanted to do was dance. I never knew you could go to a dance class in Victoria and for some reason I never told anyone.
我在6年级开始身体concious。我有一个体育老师在圣约瑟的学校叫我猪小姐一天是我跑圈。这并没有帮助!我妈妈也是一个蛋糕装饰,所以经常有各种各样的蛋糕和结冰的射程。我喜欢吃甜食! !我小时候吃了很多蛋糕! ! !
总之,高中,没什么改变。我有一个大的朋友圈,真的很开心。我爱我的十几岁! !偶尔有人会说点什么意思但我朋友都足以弥补偶尔的牛肉干的话。我已经原谅每个人说过讨厌的东西。我们都在自己的旅程,回头我毫无怨恨。
生活进行的起伏(生活一般,与我的体重!)波动和水准。在90年代末我决定尝试减肥中心的饮食。你知道点的吗?它工作!事实上,它是如此有效,我决定尝试操作一下。你应该使用点允许你当前的体重。我开始使用点允许我想要的体重,当时是一个很好的健康的155磅。工作得很好,当我到达我的目标我开始追逐“5磅”。所以我继续。当减肥慢了下来,我刮掉更多的点。 And more. And more. I added water aerobics and hour long power walks every day as well. Soon I was living on about 6 points a day and turning down any invite where I would actually have to eat something I didn't want to eat. I started using laxatives as well. I went for a haircut one day and the stylist told me I had a bald spot on the back of my head. I thought that was so strange, but it didn't scare me the way it should have. Nope, I kept on dieting chasing "just 5 more pounds". They got harder and harder to lose. I had gotten down to 115 pounds and was so tired just from being at work that I'd come home and fall asleep on the couch. I was grouchy and irritable. Friends were making comments about me being too thin. Me??? Too thin?? Oh right! Tell that to a perpetually chubby girl. She won't believe it! It wasn't until my landlady presented me with some literature on eating disorders that I finally started to listen. I decided to let myself gain some weight.
需要增加体重对我来说是新的东西!什么奇怪的体验!我成了好朋友蒂姆·霍顿的街对面。重量是在快速和容易。然后我决定戒烟。这需要我们大约2001如果我没记错的话。你可以打赌我体重增加!远远超过obigatory 5磅!我的体重激增到200多磅。但我和饮食失调的恐慌后,我又不是准备饮食。 I just couldn't go there! I would start to feel anxious just thinking about it. It was a very scary time in hindsight. I started shopping at the plus size stores and decided that I would be better off accepting my fate as a chubby girl. And they had some cute clothes, I wasn't doomed to a life of polyester.
几年后我开始有很小的头晕。我终于看到了我的博士。他对我是一个新的博士当我们在讨论我的家庭历史我不得不告诉他,我的一个兄弟(35)有一个疑似小中风和我爸爸是四绕过。他我彻底检查,发现高血压。我只有30岁,怎么可能? ? ?
他问我的第一件事是我是多么经常得到锻炼。我尴尬地说不是很经常!他给我开了一些药,命令我每周锻炼3次。当我走出办公室,我想直接去健身世界和签约。但我有健身卡。很多。不去了。在理性的时刻我决定看看社区休闲中心,看看被提供思考我会试试有氧运动之类的。当我看到清单为爵士健美操Pearkes instanstly我想起伯太太的爵士舞课,放学后我把7和8年级和爱!我决定试一试,这是当劳拉Uppal改变了我的生活。 I went for the first time and of course I felt like a bull in a china shop, but it was fun enough to go back. I originally thought if I could make it twice a week, that would be good. That quickly became three times a week, then four, then five. Then I was looking for other places to get that sixth day in, it had become so addicting! I felt amazing and I never really felt like I was working out, I felt like I was dancing. How wonderful!!! And of course, the weight was coming off with what felt like no effort on my part whatsoever!! MIRACLES!!! After going for about a year people started making comments about me becoming an instructor. Surely, I would think, you can't be serious? Laura would throw me a comment every once in a while that was very encouraging as well. My friend Sabrina started taking the steps to teach because she was moving and either had to give it up or bring it to Mill Bay which she has done with amazing success!! (So proud of you my friend!)
几个月后我听说另一个参与者会和教练,我可以通过“车间”与她的所以我不会独自做这件事。我决定去。跳转到6个月后我教爵士健美操,我喜欢这么多的东西! !我开始知道一些其他的当地教师和得知他们中的一些人也被认证的私人教练。我爱的健康和健身,我的兴趣和为什么事情如何工作,什么工作,不等等等等,我想获得更多的教育。我的朋友珍妮特,她说起话来提供适量的鼓励去。我追求我的私人教练认证通过的神奇和美妙的蒂娜出斯科特议员与BCRPA身体蓝图(爱你女孩! !)和继续我的渴望越来越多的知识关于如何帮助我爱和关心的人(这意味着你)领导更健康和积极的生活。
我仍然有一些额外的体重,但是我接受(在大多数情况下,无论如何)。我不节食,这是危险的,整个行业在我们失败时,只是成功的节食者。我练习营养饮食习惯但认识到食物是一个巨大的享受生活的一部分。谁不喜欢吃什么?大多数的社会情况,围绕食品。没关系,当你知道如何作出健康的选择至少大部分时间。我有一个健康的身体,我很坚强,我可以跑步、跳舞、打很长时间!那是多么美妙? !我觉得难以置信,能量不会辞职,一个了不起的的生活质量。今年我偶尔运行,完成了两个半程马拉松着眼于两个在年底前完成。 I have met some amazing and beautiful people along the way and would like to turn this into a full-time career some day. I love hearing people tell me their stories and I really love being able to offer some guidance and assistance along the way.