罗切斯特,MN 55901
我从大学毕业与学位法国教育。我从来没有在世界健身计划,但是我在这里!加入当地的Y后满足人们当我第一次搬到小镇时,我发现了我有多爱尊巴。我成为认证教它,然后慢慢发现适合它的感觉很好,所以我学会了如何教其他的类。我和一个朋友决定开放自己的健身精品工作室教类,和她做了一些个人培训。看她的工作与客户让我意识到我是多么想一对一的与人工作。我是一个伟大的听众,我喜欢了解人,所以这是一个伟大的配合!我相信真正的力量来自于培训一个强有力的核心和强劲的脚。我的客户获得信心,惊讶于火车什么时,他们能做的聪明。个人培训授权健康&健身工作室看起来很不同的比其他的健身房。 Our hallmark is strengthening from the ground up and the core out. In a typical training session, our clients come in and start using a foam roller to relieve tight muscles. Then they work on strengthening their feet. They learn how to improve their breathing. They work to strengthen their core muscles first, and then they work to build muscle. It's important to set reasonable goals and review them. We begin by sitting down with you and talking about your current level of fitness, your exercise history, and any injuries. Then we listen as you tell us what your concerns are, and we work together to set goals as well as a timeline for achieving them. We talk about potential barriers and how to overcome them. We keep your goals at the forefront of everything we do, and we celebrate the successes, no matter how big or small. We talk a lot about their mindset, and we work to turn "can'ts" into "I can't waits!" We work with our clients, creating programs of exercise that are just the right amount of challenge. We do not yell or shame or make our clients do things that will injure them. We will push you, but safety is always a priority. I speak French and have a great passion for France! I love to travel and see new places. I am a singer, and I'm learning how to play the guitar. I love to read. I love to drink really good tea and red wine! I love to eat amazing food, and I love to cook when I have the time. I am married, and we have two sons.