生活中的成功不是机会的问题;重要的是管理情绪,集中注意力和深思熟虑的行动。最重要的区别好的和令人惊奇的是他们如何管理和使用他们的心态和心理训练来实现他们的个人目标和成功。精英掌握控制自己的思想,情绪和心态都之前,期间和之后一个事件。我的使命:价值有趣,冒险和挑战来测试我的精神和体力。我致力于个人成长四大支柱的力量;精神、身体、情感和精神。我相信,通过指导、鼓励、教学和指导他人成长,加强他们的四大支柱,我将改变生活,创造一个更美好的世界。对个人成长的挑战是至关重要的。我将用独特的经历,幽默和富有想象力的解决方案创建一个安全、支持和授权环境为人们建立一个强大的心态和前进的勇气。 I will use my roles as guide, coach, teacher, mentor, sponsor and awakener to provide the environment for others to grow and unfold. I know that as I help others reach their personal goals, I also grow as a person Who I Am: I’m a leading human performance coach, mindset authority and personal power expert. I specialize in mental training for driven and competitive individuals in setting and obtaining extremely difficult personal goals. Challenge is crucial for personal growth. I use unique experiences, humor and imaginative solutions to create a safe, supportive and empowering environment for people to move forward with courage. Who I Help: I work with driven and committed individuals, those individuals that have experienced success and have a burning desire to improve their personal power and experience success on a regular basis. I specialize in personal coaching for performance, success, goal setting and personal development. I’m a personal coach for leaders, executives and other individuals that have the burning desire to make a change. How I Can Help You: As your personal coach, I’ll work with you to design a custom mindset and mental strength program specific to your personal goals. Personal success coaching involves the study of the mental strategies and behaviors of human performance excellence and then transferring them to you to achieve your personal success. It focuses on the discovery and coding of those models and patterns of human excellence behavior and utilizing them in the pursuit of your personal success, peak performance and personal development.