

我发现在一个非常年轻的年龄成为所需的工具在跳舞,后来在我的生命科学的昆达里尼瑜伽。纪律是我第一次教我的芭蕾舞老师教和牺牲的无尽小时培训放学后和周末。我的承诺是踢踏舞大师我在电视上看到。我完成这个目标。我把我的第一份职业工作在18岁的时候我收到我的BA点公园在匹兹堡大学,宾夕法尼亚州。我搬到了纽约,我曾与百老汇作品,挖掘大师,和几个创意团队为工业显示了公司的员工激励(西乐葆,锐步的名字)。我喜欢挑战。在1990年的?踢踏舞是一个男性主导的领域,我打破了几个障碍通过创建第一个吉尼斯世界纪录的踢踏舞鞋。我在演艺圈的角色变化,我发现自己咨询的表演者在后台,我开始训练演员的身体。 Then the universe handed me two teaching jobs, one at Broadway Dance Center and the other New York University. I began studying under a Pilates master and received many certifications within three years. After Sept. 11, 2001, I was employed in India where I worked with a creative collaboration team(Billy Graham Association) for a television special on faith. I had a desire to do more than just physical work and started training at Kundalini Yoga East in New York City where the founders have 40 years of experience and are qualified to certify people from all over the world. I soon understood the value in this style of yoga, and I traveled to New Mexico to receive master training at the Kundalini Yoga Research Institute. I belong to: IKYTA (International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association) and after 15 years of teaching, I can develop specialized programs for physical and mental health problems. My work with disease started 15 years ago when I suffered from a severe infection in my lymph system. A western doctor who was aware of my history and knew I was born with Thalassemia, a genetic red blood cell disorder, prescribed a medicine that almost destroyed my liver. Western medicine was creating a slow death for me. I was losing weight, trapped in my bed, and in severe physical pain. I could hardly swallow and I just wanted the pain to stop. Once I took myself off the medicine I began a slow journey of healing and I was open to new ways of understanding my blood disorder and my personal well being. I was tired of no answers and negative responses to my blood counts from the doctors with no offering of solutions. I became interested in the science of Kundalini Yoga for health benefits, but also for the complex patterns of meditation that rewire the brain. It is one thing to study a science and learn what it can do for the body and mind, but to see it in person change people’s health from severe disease confirms my believe that this particular yoga needs to be in hospitals. My first DVD “Kundalini Yoga for Women” was produced from 8 months of using this specific yoga set to heal my own body from severe menstrual cycles, weight gain, and emotional imbalance. I feel every mother needs to provide this type of knowledge to their daughters to empower them about how to strengthen their bodies without drugs and to women as well. I am a research junkie! In my battle to understand why we have so much disease in a country that is suppose to have strong health care system I looked outside the United States to see what other countries were providing for there patients. I discovered in Japan that every hospital uses a medical device that produces Kangen water. I was able to locate a Pittsburgh distributor and drink the water for 2 months straight before investing in this medical device for my practice. I am know learning from other health practitioners in the United States how they are using this water on patients and healing the body. I can see more benefits within the scientific work of Kundalini Yoga with clients who are on the Kangen water. I believe in the statement “ Change your water , change your life! ”



  • 英航在跳舞,公园大学
  • 昆达里尼瑜伽,昆达里尼研究所
  • 大学学士学位,跳舞,公园
  • 硕士学位,健康指导,加州大学(University of Pennsylvania) (CalU)




到期:2016-10-01 07:00:00 UTC



  • 健身和健康保险机构





Crafton, PA 15205






16 - 20


  • 吉尼斯世界纪录大全》将在跳舞





  • 是第一个审查
