克里斯汀D墨丘里奥教练是一个健身教练,帮助客户实现他们的目标已经超过8年。她有着丰富的工作经验和广泛的客户。她专注于减肥、伤害预防、功能和阻力训练,以及基于绩效的运动训练。她努力保持客户出于锻炼尽可能愉快和有趣。克里斯汀总是寻找新的方法来挑战她的客户,把他们的新水平。她鼓励她的客户尝试所有领域的健身训练技巧,他们从未做过的类和事件。没有什么是更令人兴奋的比一个客户准备一个新的健康的努力。她喜欢挑战自己,总是训练新的或非典型事件。克里斯汀最近参与的事件包括北美的妻子携带锦标赛,星期日河山史诗般的种族,霍利斯,NH最快5 k,东部各州半程马拉松,银行佛蒙特州城市马拉松比赛的关键。健康一直是克里斯汀的生活很大程度上因为她作为运动员从小开始训练。 She has been an avid skier/snowboarder her whole life, was a gymnast for 15 years, a competitive figure skater for 11 years and has 20+ years of experience on the ice. While attending the University of New Hampshire, Kristin skated and competed with the UNH Ice Cats Synchronized Figure Skating Team. After transferring to Fitchburg State University she joined the dance club and participated in a number of different forms of dance from Ballet and Lyrical to Belly Dancing and Hip-hop. Concurrently over the past ten years, she also explored a variety of outdoor sports including, Western and English Horseback Riding, Trail Running, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Snowshoeing, and both competitive XC and DH Mountain Biking. In 2007, Kristin graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree from Fitchburg State University. Since then she has been certified through AFAA, both as a Personal Fitness Trainer and Primary Group Fitness Instructor. She is also certified as a Powder Blue Productions: Turbo Kickboxing Instructor and was recently certified by the IYCA as a Youth Fitness Specialist. Kristin keeps current her CPR/AED and First Aid certifications, as well as the others, by taking numerous continuing education courses and workshops, and attending fitness conferences and, recently, completed a Prenatal Fitness Course through AFAA. She is recently attended the Perform Better Summit, in Providence, RI, for the third year in a row this past June.