我是上帝的孩子,丈夫,父亲的朋友,导师,专业私人教练和业务所有者。我一直祝福祝福。糖尿病运行在我的家人和我妻子的家庭有一些健康问题。有时我们继续做我们正在做的,因为我们只是认为有些事情不会发生在我们身上。只要我记得我父亲已经最接近我不得不一个现实生活中的超级英雄,当糖尿病打我爸爸,他失去了他的能力我知道我必须做出一些改变我的生活。我们是大时间肉食者。炒肉的3/4。下面在密西西比州炸松鼠,浣熊,亲爱的,苹果,青蛙,你只是动物的名字和我们将在肉汁炒它窒息。我们中的一些人继承确保食物的坏习惯没有去浪费和规则真正应用于糖果。我记得有时吃了一半的巧克力三层蛋糕在几小时。 Through research my wife now prepares a 1/4 meat if any for meals now. We have started raising a few chickens for eggs and have really started becoming more knowledgeable of where our foods come from and eating more for nutrition versus taste. As a family we now consume more raw veggies. I have been helping people with their health and fitness for the past few years. I wanted to step up my game so I started studying for the ISSA personal trainer certification. I have been just reaching out to others that appear to have similar interests in an attempt to share knowledge and stay up to date with changes in our community and the world of health and fitness.