Chillicothe, 61523
你好!我绝对对健身欣喜若狂。我爱想出有趣和独特的方式运动。我从不做两次相同的程序。上面的专业私人教练,瑜伽教练,我也通过Hoopnotica认证在初学者的呼啦圈舞蹈。我爱箍筋和舞蹈融入我的训练。我没有一直在健身。长大我从未在任何运动,我讨厌工作。我高中毕业后,我获得了大量的重量。我被介绍给草裙舞包围,完全把我的生活周围。 Now I can't get enough movement in my day. I just want anyone who is struggling with their weight to understand that I have been there. Now, I am here to help you. I am an expert on weight loss, body assessments, and fun! Feel free to contact me at any time. I can be emailed at(电子邮件保护)