健康和幸福一直是我生活的一部分,因为一个年轻的年龄。因此,成为一名健身教练的自然是我的生活。我相信发现和教学计划,不仅给你结果,但是帮你把这些结果和改善你的生活质量。健康是每个人的身心健康的一个重要组成部分,它已经成为我的一个激情带给尽可能多的人,无论环境。我目前一个尊巴教练,R.I.P.P.E.D教练,Curves Zumba in the Circuit Instructor, provide private lessons, and work with various Charity and Non-Profit Organizations.
我想把这个时间和与他人分享我的故事想要达到他们的健身目标。后多的拖延和缺乏信心能够达到我的健身目标,我决定最后做决定来获得健康。我开始寻找一个私人教练,能够帮助我达到我的健身目标,失去所谓的婴儿的体重,我一直随身携带。请注意我儿子当时4岁!哈哈在经过大量的研究,我发现妮可网站和阅读她的故事,马上觉得她能与我。我开始工作直接与妮可在去年年初。我最初持怀疑态度,因为我不知道我要达到我的目标这样一个繁忙的时间表,我能跟上吗?。我是一个全职员工,全职学生和3个孩子的母亲,这是一个锻炼。然而,我一直有一个愿望变得更加健美。我想要穿泳衣(2块)而不感到不舒服。 When I spoke to Nicole she reassured me that I could reach my goals and she would help me every step of the way. She was able to put together a weekly schedule that accommodated me, as well as put together a food plan for me. She was a great sense of support and encouragement. She motivated me to keep going. Before I knew it, I was dropping pounds and losing inches. I had never been able to get results like this, just by eating right and following her fitness plan for me. In total, I lost over 20lbs. She not only helped me reach my fitness goals but also taught me how to maintain my weight loss. She taught me the importance of being active and eating right. Now a year later, I have still been able to keep the weight off. So, if your looking for a trainer , a great zumba instructor or fitness instructor, Nicole is the one! I would recommend her to anyone who is serious about getting fit and staying fit. Working with Nicole has been a great life changing experience. Thank you Nicole!