服刑七年专用的和忠诚的,奥马尔·福斯特,一位美国空军老兵,回到他的家乡拉斯维加斯去追求他的健康和健身的热情。成长的过程中,福斯特一直参加体育活动。从篮球足球和体操、体育一直担任一个出口和推动培育。他作为一个孩子的自然竞争使他探索各种途径的运动。总是试图达到他个人最好,培养发现他根深蒂固的激情在这个领域。福斯特应征加入了美国空军的拉斯维加斯国际研究学院毕业后,视觉和表演艺术高中。留下童年朋友,母亲,父亲和三个弟弟妹妹,福斯特开始了一段旅程让他访问伊拉克,阿富汗,在韩国一年在国外。虽然驻扎在佛罗里达州,培养经历了可怕的摩托车事故而拖动赛车在2005年9月。这导致手腕骨折,脊椎和肋骨骨折,断了脾脏,臀部和踝关节。这个毁灭性的事故恢复了竞争力自然恢复青春的朝气和克服的局限性和挑战博士吗?预测。 Foster made it his goal to not only fully recover but to exceed to an even higher level of fitness. Since separating from the USAF in January 2010, Foster has pursued his passion in the field of Health and Fitness. Recognized as a Personal Trainer and Performance Enhancement Specialist by National Academy of Sports and Medicine, NCSF CPT, NESTA Biomechanics Specialist, Level 1 CrossFit Trainer and as Under Armour Combine 360 Trainer/Coach, Foster is now a Trainer at 24 Hour Fitness, Co-Founder of Camp Fit-Force and head trainer for Camp Jump. Foster is excited to give back to the community and to continue to grow and learn in the field that has made such a impact in his life.
通过Branden Collinsworth2011年8月1日
谢谢你的令人难以置信的训练!到目前为止,世界顶级功能教练! !