成为一个点在我的生命中,我意识到,我让每个人在我的生命中定义我。.except给我。在2014年我决定我不喜欢他们的定义,所以我开始写我自己的。我开始从内部和工作的出路。解毒后的有毒的自我交谈和有毒的人在我的生命中我发现了一个新的强大我困在一个古老的情绪化进食,运动磨损结果过期的身体。我知道艾米丽的训练营,但我(以前的健美运动员和健身教练)害怕!训练营强硬!我的朋友林赛一直鼓励我让我试一下。“你会喜欢它的!”她说。疯狂的女孩!我想。 Then I heard of the "2014 Holiday Slim Down Challenge". As part of the new me I had started what I called a ,"Bucket List for Life". A list of anything I came across in life that puts fear in me. A challenge if you will. If I come across something I take a deep breath and say,"Let's do this!". So I signed up. From the moment I weighed in with Emily, walked into Bootcamp (introvert panic) with Nicki greeting me with a smile and Deb yelling over to me, "Amy you're in our group" with Jan by her side I have never felt so supported or fearless! I took on the menu, new food and exercises with the confidence I could and would get it done! Now I not only start every Bootcamp that way I start every morning that way! This is not the end for me. I've come too far in two short weeks. I will continue this journey with all my new family at Bootcamp. I learned a very valuable lesson these last few weeks. When you strengthen your body, you also strengthen your heart and your soul