我和布莱恩的关系直接影响了我的家庭的生活质量。真的是没有办法用语言表达多少我们的生活质量变得更好。在客户服务工作的业务操作我知道为什么如此优秀的布莱恩将最好的人。他知识渊博,灵活/创意,平易近人。他巧妙地使用这些技巧来描绘了一幅图像,即使是最无知的人能认同。我正是一开始,无知。类比“建立一个火”、“机器”,”“我们的身体是建筑工地需要木材等材料(蛋白质)来构建”,布莱恩是能把非常复杂的健身概念的方式见到你你在哪里在你的健康和健康的旅程。在会议之前布莱恩,我是担心私人教练。我的担心是,有一个私人教练的压力过度自信的人大声地推我超越我的极限。某人,我将不得不在餐馆“道奇”如果我没有买沙拉。 I am so glad that I ignored my preconceived notions and contacted Brian because I was completely wrong. His approach was one that ensured I understood all of the variables at play along the way. I asked a lot of question and never received a template/scripted response. Everything from Brian was tailored towards gaps in my understanding, function, and /or performance. Brian introduced me to fitness in a way that made me want to learn more and more. Eventually, I found myself researching things on my own like Micro-Nutrient density of food, non-standard Rep/Set range concepts, and literally searching for Brian to discuss the topics with. It’s been over 3 years, and I have yet to come across a topic that he wasn’t thoroughly knowledgeable on. 4 years ago, I couldn’t walk for longer than 5 minutes without experience significant back pain due to weakness in my core. Now, I work out 5 Days a week, eat clean, operate a Health & Wellness blog and run trails in my spare time. I’m regularly complimented on my transformation and I always respond with, ““ I’m just learning as much as I can. The physical results you see is simply what learning looks like...”. Brian directly taught me about fitness and indirectly taught my how to motivate others. The tools he empowered me with will absolutely continue to impact the lives of myself and everyone I come in contact with. Brian, I can’t say enough about how much your knowledge, attention, and patience has done for me. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Brian for dedicating your life to Health & Wellness. I’m a new, better, and more powerful man because of it. And for the people who don’t care for words, here are some numbers pulled from out weekly/bi-weekly progress measurement tracker: 5’ 10” DATE Weight Lean(lbs) Fat(lbs) Male 6/7/2010 335.8 201.82 133.98 31 yrs 10/25/2013 280 198.8 81.2 Change 3.41 Years 55.8lbs 3.02lbs 52.78lbs We’ve done a pretty good job isolating body fat. 94% of my weight change has been body fat. Brian is the REAL DEAL! I know that the above results may not seem like much over a 3.41 year period. To that I say tell that to my cholesterol reading, resting heart rate, and 1 mile time. If my testimonial above isn’t enough to send you running to Brian, just ask him about “Body for Life”! That should do it. Clayton Anderson