水运行一个程序,很容易把有氧训练有益心血管健康和增强肌肉的灵活性和平衡-所有在一个高功率的保护运动。这是一个面向体育锻炼,很容易学习和提供了一个无争议愉快的锻炼。跑步在水里不需要游泳技能。是一个爱水的唯一前提。耐水提供了多维联合友好的方式。这是一个很好的低non-impact媒介交叉训练在陆地上和最适合恢复和康复的伤害。水可以维持健康水平,甚至可以增加健康和性能水平的严重的跑步者。“溅”添加到你的跑步计划:一些想法帮助介绍计划:1。一起把它:提供一个程序来促进所有级别的运动员(初学者通过精英运动员和马拉松运动员在一个程序)。许多顶尖短跑运动员和马拉松运动员利用水训练提高他们的运行时间以及修复受伤。 2. Injury prevention: Most runners experience one or more injuries over the course of their career. Research shows that 66% of all runners will experience a running related injury within a 12 month period. Running on land in excess of 56km per week increases the chance of injury by more than 55% 3. Overtraining problems: Runners are often subject to “overtraining”. Water running offers an excellent mode of cross training in a relaxing and multi-dimensional environment. A runner will typically hit the ground between 800 and 2000 times per mile or 1.6 kilometers. Injury prevention is key to extending the an athletes career or enjoying a pain free run. Most runners push themselves into a training related injuries because they do too much intensity or duration and minimize the benefits of resistance and flexibility training. 4. Improved Flexibility: Runners typically have decreased flexibility especially in the lower back and hamstrings muscles. Water training will naturally stretch the muscles with active range of motion assisted by buoyancy. It may be one of the easiest modalities to increase flexibility to all parts of the body, 5. Increased Core stability: Running in the water offers excellent stability training since the 360 degree resistance engages constantly on the core musculature as the athlete moves or travels or changes body positions in the water. 6. Weather conditions: During inclement weather, especially when outdoor activities are restricted due to severe heat or extreme cold/ice, water running allows participants to maintain and even increase their endurance levels (increase VO2 max). 7. Balance the musculature. There is increased resistance and targeting of the weaker muscles because all downward movement challenges the muscles in water. Therefore the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, obliques and adductors may be naturally engaged. Additionally, it is easy to incorporate more strength training exercises (interspersed) with cardiovascular training. Talk this up as many athletes don’t ever realize the extra resistance and muscular training benefits. 8. Reduced joint stress: Unloading of the joints may be 50% at waist depth or 100% in the deep water. This is a unique way to train the muscles with the same biomechanics yet it does not cause undue stress in the joints. This is another great point to tell the “land” only athlete. 9. Social competition in the water: Water running in a small group gives the participants the opportunity to establish group and individual goals in a competitive setting. 10. Get away from the same-old, same-old: Water running will add a new dimension to the pavement pounding of land training - i.e. lots more variety and definitely fun! 8.0 Hour CEC on Home Study Program http://www.waterart.org/product_info.php?cPath=1_4&products_id=7605&osCsid=44dc81d5c12b295c705e5c8660c864bd