当我被一个朋友邀请查看进化健身训练营,至少可以说,我还有些怀疑。大约一年前我参加了一个训练营,只做一次,因为我觉得这对我来说是太先进。我不觉得我是我能成功,我感到挫败。我去进化健身训练营以开放的心态和很喜欢第一个晚上。我不仅喜欢第一个晚上,我很享受每一个会话。我现在开始我的第三个月的训练和发展健康。老师,德康登,是极好的!她展示了运动和那些能给修改版本和那些更高级的节目最激进的版本。我觉得在这里成功!有来自每个时代每个人的能力水平。 If you have a problem area (disability) Debi will work with you and find you a way to work around it. This is the first time in a long time that I've worked out and I can feel it. It feels great. I feel firmer and stronger. Debi uses different techniques at each class whether it be circuit training or concentrating on problem areas, she always knows how to mix it up and helps us to challenge ourselves and provides encouragement every step along the way. Give Evolution Fitness a try, I don't think that you'll be disappointed. All of the people there are great and Debi is top-notch.