我想表达我的乔恩·格雷先生伟大的应用程序来了三年作为我的私人教练。我第一次使用Jon当我62岁的时候,体重约285磅。我花了很大一部分我的成年生活在我的体重和试过每一个市场上受欢迎的饮食和锻炼计划。我和乔恩开始添加一些简单的练习我否则久坐不动的生活方式。乔恩还鼓励我用一个简单的具有挑战性的项目开始于一个主要的改变在我的方式我的健康。他向我展示了简单的方法来提高我的饮食不改变我的整个生活方式。他训练我重点是正确的,安全的,坦白说有趣的锻炼方法。我继续练习,乔,我看到他的修养的结果。所以开始一个非凡的改变,我的身体,思想和精神。我现在已经被一个客户Jon灰色三年了。 I have lost over 80 pounds which I have never gained back, developed muscle mass and significantly reduced my body fat. I train with Jon three times per week. Our sessions are generally outdoors except in inclement weather when we work in a studio space in Manahawkin. The sessions are always diversified, challenging and a lot of fun. Not only does Jon use expected exercise equipment but he might incorporate basketball, football or tennis into the routine. Jon is deeply sensitive man, always concerned how I am feeling, how my day is going, what kind of stress I might be encountering. He is very a good listener. He never pushes me beyond my ability and yet he challenges me to try new things. Jon is a great trainer, very flexible with his schedule and caters my training program to my person schedule. Now at 65 I am in the best condition of my life. Spiritually, mentally and physically I have never felt this better. And while I had to do the work, I could not have accomplished this healthy happiness without Jon Gray. Mick Lambeth