“我是一个53岁的女人大约10年前决定重启一个练习和健身计划被搁置了15年。我把我的家人和我的工作的常见的错误在我自己的健康,因此,改变从健康,健美体型超重15磅,相当松弛。在过去的十年里,我曾与很多不同的运动鞋在全国各地,但直到我遇到瑞安Crandall以后,我真的知道我有自己的私人教练。所有的其他人似乎采取千篇一律的方法,把他们所有的客户一模一样的,和做典型的运动项目可以遵循自己在任何世界上健身房。瑞安是完全不同的。是困难的对我来说,我的经历后,甚至地方瑞安在同一像其他私人教练的职业。他除了是独一无二的,除了风度翩翩,内外有效。他真正知道他是处理内外。他理解人的心灵,身体,优点和缺点。他有多个大学学位,他带着他身体的深入了解到他的专业程序为每个客户。 Ryan has an innate ability to motivate and encourage his clients in a very quiet and genuine manner, without being the typical "salesman" that comes along with many personal trainers. He is one of the most authentic, real, honest, ethical, kind and big-hearted people I have ever met. I have now been working with Ryan for the past three years, and I cannot imagine ever working with another Personal Trainer again. No one can compare to Ryan Crandall. I recommend him to anyone and everyone. There is not a person in this world that would not benefit from working with Ryan. He will not only make you a more fit, healthy, secure person, but he will truly make your world a better place. He certainly has done that for me and my entire family. He has worked with my 19 year old step-son, my 16 year old daughter, my 14 year old step-son, and my 13 year old daughter for the past couple of years... and all of them think Ryan is truly the best person they know. They could never imagine our life without Ryan Crandall. We are blessed to have him in our world." Diane D.