

我有多个手术处理共同问题,和我用过许多医生和理疗师在整个年。达拉O ' brien的个性化的健身计划帮助我加强弱肌肉,改善平衡和流动性。她称之为我的系统。它比我的医生把我带来了进一步相信我能去。在我第一次背部手术,钙化是刮在我的脊椎。恢复工作,我发现我不能做一些练习推荐。事实证明,我需要一个新的膝盖,然后更多的背部手术。事情是好的一年左右,和物理疗法帮助,然后疼痛又开始在我的后背。试图避免另一个手术,我去了一个按摩师和一个针灸师,他建议我看到达拉。我一直认为我的问题可能与姿势和对齐,这正是达拉与我一起工作,包括灵活性和平衡。 In small increments, she helped me improve my range of motion. After a year of working with Darla, my strength and stamina improved significantly. When I had to have a third, more extensive back surgery, due to unrelenting pain, the strength I’d gained working with Darla helped me get through the surgery better and recover much more quickly. The only thing that interfered was that I needed a new knee! Now I have 13 screws and 3 bars in my back. Physical therapy got me back on my feet, but I could tell that I wasn’t getting the kind of exercising that would really help me. In fact, two therapists told me they thought I would never stand straight again. I went back to Darla, and it was the right move. Her ME System has restored my flexibility and range of motion to a degree I had not dared hope for. She works with me standing up, sitting, or lying on my back, in ways that improve my strength and fitness without risking further injury. Darla pays attention to every part of my body – even my shoulders, toes, and hands – watching with an eagle eye to see if I might be favoring something or feeling out of whack. She doesn’t let me work on any of the machines, but I do use weights, balls and bands, and other items to improve the effects of exercising. The ME System adjusts to my needs totally, from breaking into shorter sessions if I am in trouble, to changing the nature of the exercises if they are proving too stressful at any point in time. The ME System is based on sound theory, and Darla knows what she’s doing. She’s helped me improve my flexibility and upper body strength. She’s focused on everyday movements, such as those I need to drive, to work in the kitchen, to use the computer. The exercises help me to walk more upright and balanced. I keep a cane in the car for long walks in from a parking lot, or other occasions that I know will be challenging. But otherwise, I now get around without a cane, walker or brace. At the two-year post-op check-up with my neurosurgeon, I asked him if this was as good as I was going to get. He told me I was much better than he’d ever thought I could be, and he recommended that I continue to work with Darla. That’s advice I’ve taken seriously – I continue to work with Darla.
