圣诞假期,我决定是时候开始反思我自己照顾的方式。多年来,我在我的身体和健康感到骄傲,在我40岁,我让我生活的一部分,与我是谁变得自满。文艺复兴时期的一阶是找到合适的私人教练。我找不到任何建议。我不想去一些大的健身房,我望出去的地方,争夺设备时间和被“雇佣教练”骚扰!我选择“谷歌”私人教练,这就是我发现凯利。她的网站向我承诺。她最近已经减掉了70磅,似乎了解让生活改变这种性质的。我叫凯利,预约来讨论我的情况。在满足她,我告诉她,我将致力于她的如果她致力于我整体健康和改善。 I needed someone that focused on my specific needs and not the "one size fits all" training program. I needed variety. I needed focus. A few months later, I never looked back. I am so grateful to Kelly for where I am today. She has led me to over 20 pounds of fat loss, improved sleeping, improved diet habits, increased strength and endurance, and most importantly improved self-esteem. She always creates a unique variety of exercises for me each week that challenges my abilities and insists on my extreme focus to achieve my goals. Kelly is NO nonsense. She works hard and insists that I do as well. I am very lucky to have Kelly as part of my "new me" approach. She will continue to serve as my "life coach" until all of my goals are met (and beyond)!