我写这封信来让你知道我有多感激你的员工的努力,吉尔Ackiron摩西的。吉尔是我去健身房的主要原因,因为她,我变得更健康、更积极的人。早在2009年10月,我对自己很抑郁,情绪低落,因为我的体重。我一直哭我的丈夫和我的朋友关于我对自己感觉不好。我朋友告诉我停止哭泣,来健身房作为她的客人。当我第一天走进协同作用,显然是肥胖,我无法保持在椭圆机上超过5分钟。我在流泪。我甚至不想告诉你我有多么重的时间,因为我还尴尬。我的朋友建议我加入健身房,个人培训。我不情愿地接受了员工的个人培训计划建议,史蒂夫,等待吉尔的电话。 I have to say that I wasn’t really motivated at first, but Jill’s bubbly attitude was conveyed even over the telephone. I started training with her and found that I wanted to try harder and harder each time. She adapted my routine to fit my needs and helped me recognize my strengths and weaknesses. She always followed up with me and kept me interested. She even convinced me to attend her Zumba class. I had never taken any type of class before and I am quite awkward to say the least. But with Jill’s help, I now am a regular attendee and enjoy Zumba whenever I can. I am proud to say that Jill has inspired me to lose 75lbs and 5 sizes at this point. Each time I feel down or want to stop, she inspires me with encouraging words and compliments in and out of class. I don’t know what it is, but her patience and positive attitude make exercise enjoyable and this comes out during her classes. I even got my 13 year daughter to join Synergy and come to Jill’s classes with me. She has asked for personal training sessions, only with Jill, as a Christmas gift! Thank you for having Jill at Synergy. She is truly a gem!