阿曼达和我已经一起工作了一年多。一开始,我每周两次,每次见到她,我可以诚实地说我从没见过一个喜欢的人一样苦熬阿曼达!她的艰苦训练主要包括性能训练演习,在巨大的三个或四个练习专注于一些身体部位和核心力量。阿曼达对我来说是一个挑战,因为我总是不得不想出一个新办法推她为了帮助实现这一“直到你将得到你的汗水”泵她爱!在过去的几个月,阿曼达的力量、耐力和心血管健康大为提高。她开始训练营样式类在健身房在星期六,她会回到我周二发红,因为俯卧撑,冲刺,跳箱子,弓步,曾经是这样的斗争为她现在是“小菜一碟”。Weight began to fly off of her as her metabolism was now in overdrive! Where she had, at first, a hard time eating a 3 egg white + 1 whole egg, 1 cup of cooked oatmeal, and a 1/4 cup of berries breakfast (she confessed that she had to give some of it to her dog), she now gobbled up the food without issue, and was ready for more 3 hours later! She leaned out quickly with her "clean eating" lifestyle and a fabulous shape began to peek out at her! I encouraged her to attend a figure competition just to check it out. She did . . . and she was hooked! She is currently in preparation for a July show and is super excited because she sees herself changing every week! But what's truly great is that Amanda, as a chef, has seen that eating clean does not mean eating tasteless! Every week, she comes in with a new recipe to share (of her own creation!) with myself and Melvette and both of us are drooling by the time she finishes explaining what she's done to her chicken, broccoli, and sweet potato! She has gotten so enthusiastic about fitness and clean eating that she is now contiplating opening up her own "clean eating" business, where those who don't have time to prepare healthful meals or for those on restricted diets who don't want to sacrifice flavour can place orders with her and she'll take on the work! I am excited for Amanda and her future, and I feel so privileged to have her as a client and friend!