我要感谢韦森特,让每个人都知道他,他提供的服务。我的名字是大卫·威尔逊,4年前我严重受伤。我不能走了一个月,走像我90岁11个月。自从我是脆弱,无论在心理上还是身体上。我不能接我的孩子拥抱或坐在地板上和他们玩。老实说,我觉得少一个男人和虚弱。它吸! !我遇到了韦森特格雷西Barra学院,我们的孩子。他说他可以帮助我得到强烈又没有受伤。我是affraid会发生什么,但还是去了。 Its been 3 months or so and I have no back pain, I feel strong and I am no longer mentally weak about the injury. Most important, I can play with my children again and do physical tasks around our home again. Thanks Vicente. If you have ever had a life changing injury, you will understand my gratitude.