我丈夫和我一直在训练和吉尔今年7月初以来。我们在五点半的时候,她的第一个客户。说,吉尔已经改变了我们的生活将会是一个完美的她对我们的评估效果。因为她知道我们需要在布鲁克林投奔我们的业务,她总是准时。她的外表是新鲜,她的心情是明亮,她的技术学习,方法总是专业。吉尔开始我们的会议问题涉及我们的年龄,我们的健康,我们的能力,我们的人生观,我们的饮食习惯和我们的目标。她解释方法和野心。每一个会议让我们渴望未来。她听我丈夫的老掉牙的笑话和他一起大笑;她很尊重我们的年龄和能力。 She guides us through our work outs, makes suggestions, offers her gentle “critique” and makes the entire experience a pleasure. We easily progress to the next level without ever feeling the pressure. We have trimmed down; we hurt less; we laugh more and even getting out of bed at 4:45 a.m. is not so terrible“all because of Jill. Please know that we have gone to other facilities; had other personal trainers and tried this regime several times in the past. We never had fun doing it. This new venture at Synergy has been absolutely beneficial and pleasing. We look forward to a long standing relationship. Very truly yours,