我的名字叫汉克Gundlach。我是56岁的财务顾问和Nitasha一直在过去的九个月。当我开始使用Nitasha,我的目标是减掉大约50磅,达到身体健康适合我的年龄。到目前为止,我已经成功减掉30磅而变得回衣柜我没有穿几年。Nitasha一直在帮助我美妙的发展现实的长期和短期的目标,建立一个健康、营养的饮食计划,并提供了一个训练适应我的特定需求。我给了她很多过去几个月来,由于老龄化问题的挑战,但她一直在寻找令人难以置信的保持我们的项目跟踪,着手解决这些问题发生。她是人真正关心帮助别人是最好的,他们可以和她一样的拉拉队长和教练是一个教练。我也有机会利用自己的技能作为一个按摩师,她没有同伴。过去我使用私人教练。他们中的一些已经很好。 The difference with Nitasha is that she is someone you'd want in the foxhole with you. She has tremendous skills and just as great powers of observation. She can see what's working for you and what is not, and adapts. Her warm personality and perceptive spirit makes you want to keep on track and stay motivated. We all know the ultimate work is up to us, but we also need to have people in our corner. Nitasha is someone you want to have in your corner. Good success!