

杰夫叫我2016年7月中旬,寻求私人瑜伽教学。他最近去过夏威夷期间,发现放松和缓解按摩就像他以前从未经历过。杰夫是老板在一个高压力的职业,因此,压力,和其他生活中强调了克罗恩氏病,高血压,起身在他的5 ' 236磅11.5”框架。当他来找我,他希望能够放松像他一样在夏威夷,他也想要更加灵活,有更少的身体疼痛。我们开始轻轻地和专注于他的身心连接。下降拱困扰他,我们从脚开始认识和纠正姿势。当然,体重开始逐渐下降。他起初的挑战,当然,他多年来一直shift-stick的卡车司机和他的SI联合产生恶劣影响。的许多姿势会导致他抽筋,但他坚持下来了。他学会了念力在他的姿势,以及如何使用他的呼吸让他安全的在他所有的动作。 Jeff refined his muscle strength while gaining muscle mass and burning fat to the tune of a 30 lb overall weight loss in 20 months. Jeff continues to grow both in his practice and in his mind-body connection. We still work together, twice a week now, and he is focusing on learning the science of yoga with a regular Iyengar practice. He is off the methotrexate injections, blood pressure meds, and is looking to decrease the frequency of his remocade injections. Jeff is a markedly happier man today for all the work he has done, and it is my pleasure to be part of his journey.

